DR. DARTS’ Newsletter (ddn)

Back in 2010 I published the very first issue of Dr. Darts’ Newsletter (DDN) which brought a handful of my friends and fellow darts fans up to date with my research into the history of the great sport of darts. Since then the circulation has expanded beyond my wildest dreams and DDN now has subscribers in over 120 countries and over 125 issues have been published.

Three issues, chosen purely at random, give you a taste of what DDN is all about and can be downloaded below.

Having been established for over a decade, DDN is not totally reliant on my personal darts research but flourishes due to the questions I am asked (either via DDN or through my Contact page) and feedback I receive from subscribers following the publication of each issue.

DDN is not a Blog in the strictest sense of the word.

It is available only to those who wish to subscribe and is sent out monthly via e-mail. That way DDN remains exclusive to those who are genuinely interested in darts and darts history. It also means that on the occasions when I offer a competition prize for some reason or another (say, to celebrate the launch of this new website a while ago), only DDN subscribers can enter.

DDN is absolutely FREE.

To sign up to DDN you can contact me direct at drdarts161@patrickchaplin.com or through my Contact page and I will add you to the list. If you then find that DDN is not for you then simply drop me an e-mail and I will remove you from the list.

Why not join us?

Patrick (21.01.21)